Executive Brew

In the ever-evolving landscape of multicultural leadership, it's crucial to navigate with both a discerning mind and an open heart. This newsletter is a dialogue between like-minded spirits navigating the global leadership landscape. As we explore the nuances of cross-cultural leadership, remember that you are not alone. We are a global community, and our shared experiences inspire each other to lead authentically. Together, we're building a future where our differences are not obstacles but stepping stones towards a more interconnected world.

Ghita Filali Ghita Filali

End of Year Reflections and Looking Forward

As we approach the end of 2023 and look forward to the New Year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have contributed in thoughtful ways to this community.

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Uncategorized Ghita Filali Uncategorized Ghita Filali

Embracing Equity & Building New Norms

As we all know well, we as women face unique challenges in the workplace, especially when we take into account our race, ethnicity, origin, and cultural traditions. Often, we have had to fit a preset mold when joining the workforce and have been tasked with learning to navigate cultural norms and workplace practices on our own.

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