Executive Brew

In the ever-evolving landscape of multicultural leadership, it's crucial to navigate with both a discerning mind and an open heart. This newsletter is a dialogue between like-minded spirits navigating the global leadership landscape. As we explore the nuances of cross-cultural leadership, remember that you are not alone. We are a global community, and our shared experiences inspire each other to lead authentically. Together, we're building a future where our differences are not obstacles but stepping stones towards a more interconnected world.

Uncategorized Ghita Filali Uncategorized Ghita Filali

Navigating Global Career Opportunities

For those looking to make a location change in their career, it is really important to keep an open mind and get clear on your why. During a recent discussion I organized with global women business leaders, we had a chance to reflect on what came up for them when contemplating a move and global career change.

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